Mary Coleman
This is the Mary Coleman, also owned by Bivalve Packing. She came in to our shop with a broken keel, and the original plan was to take the keel off and replace it.
After a bit of investigation we found that the keel and the Keelson were all one piece of wood. The keelson was nail sick, and was in pretty bad shape.
We decided that it had to be replaced. |
Here you can see the Keel/keelson. Because this is boat is crossplanked, it is necessary to take off every bottom plank in order to remove the keelson. |
Here you can see the Keel lying on the ground under the boat. Because of the fact that we have to take off every bottom plank, it requires a lot of blocking to hold up the boat.
The Main engine, tanks, Winders, and the Engine that runs the pump must all be supported. |
Here we have finished the new Keel and Keelson, and finished replanking her. |
The stern was almost completely rebuilt. All the logging above the bottom planks was replaced. You can see the new Keel and Keelson sticking out a bit under the Propeller. |
The finished boat from the side. This job was done with the help of Don Flanigan, Bill Turner, Bryan Flanigan, and Sam Flanigan. |
Here is a picture of her ready to be launched. You may recognize this Picture, it forms the background for this website! |