For this boat we have no before pictures. This is kind of a unique job because there was a major change made to the boat. The deck was raised three feet.
This is the reason the new Ribs stick up so far from the old ones in the following pictures.
Because this was such a large job, and it was winter, we built a makeshift tent to keep the work and the workers dry. They both appreciated it. |
This is the stern, viewed from the inside, the job of placing new ribs has just started. |
Taken at the same time as the one above, this shows the inside toward the bow. Ribs are being made from White Oak. |
Here is the Stern, the frames are in place. |
This view shows that most of the ribs have been placed, as soon as they are finished, the deck clamp will be installed and the Deck frames will be laid. |
This is a view you do not get to see very often. The inside of an oyster boat with sunlight shining down between the deck frames. Laying the deck will be next. |
This picture shows how everything comes together in the stem of a boat. |
Everything comes together in the stern also, its just that there is a bit more room. |
Planks are going up. She is being planked with White Cedar. |
You can see the first plank is laid on the deck, won't be long now. |
Here the cabin is being rolled out of the shop. This is our first cabin for an oyster boat. |
Placing a cabin on top of one of these boats becomes easy when you use a crane! |
This job was completed by the following people: Don Flanigan, Bill Turner, Joe Griner, Bill Merrit, and Sue Flanigan.
Here she is, waiting for high tide so she can go back to get the rest of her outfitting done. |
This is a picture of her a couple years later, she got caught on some ice and ribbed a hole in her. She is in for repairs. |